OCTOPUS RAW Player is a RAW colour science processing video player for reviewing RAW video footage from professional cameras. Currently the player supports CinemaDNG RAW .dng sequences.
- Efficient real-time CinemaDNG playback for 8,10,12,14,16-bit bayer or monochrome, lossless or lossy .dng sequences
- Professional RAW controls (White balance, exposure)
- Advanced colour science control (Highlight recovery/roll-off, SDR Tone-Mapping)
- Advanced gamma/gamut control (ARRI LogC3, RED Log3G10, Blackmagic Film Gen. 5)
- Built-in manufacturer Rec.709 LUTs and custom .cube LUT loading
- Timecode and metadata display
- Modern minimal interface
- PNG frame export
Tested Cameras & Software
- Sigma Fp
- MotionCam Android App
- DJI Xenmuse X5,X5R,X7
- Blackmagic Cinema Camera 2.5K
- Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera (Original)
- Blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera
- Blackmagic Ursa Mini 4K
- SlimRAW
- RAW Converter
Latest version: v2.1.0 (Release Notes)
Use the following installer for your platform to install the OCTOPUS RAW Player:
Windows: OCTOPUS-RAW-Player-Windows-2.1.0.msi
macOS: OCTOPUS-RAW-Player-macOS-2.1.0.pkg
Alternatively, the OCTOPUS RAW Player can be used as a portable single file executable without requiring installation:
Windows: OCTOPUS-RAW-Player-Windows-2.1.0.zip
macOS: OCTOPUS-RAW-Player-macOS-2.1.0.dmg
Older Versions
Previous versions can be downloaded from the GitHub Releases page.
System Requirements
- Windows 10 / macOS 10.10 or newer
- GPU with support for OpenGL 3.2+ and OpenCL 1.2+
OCTOPUS RAW Player is completely free to use as per the MIT license.
If you enjoy using this free open source software and it assists you professionally, please consider buying us a coffee to help support open source software.
User Guide
Currently, the OCTOPUS RAW Player supports playback of CinemaDNG (.dng) sequences. To open a sequence, either drag the folder containing .dng files or a single .dng frame file into the player window. Alternatively, .dng sequences can be opened explicitly under the "File…Open CinemaDNG Sequence…" menu and selecting the containing folder of .dng files.
When a sequence is loaded, the floating playback interface provides controls for standard play/pause/seek and additionally fast and fast-rewind playback speeds. The interface includes the current frame timecode and the clip duration. The timecode also indicates missing or skipped frames by using a red or orange typeface respectively.
RAW Controls
When working with CinemaDNG or any raw format, the image needs developing to look normal. Tools for working with RAW can expose control over the developing process. These controls typically include white balance/tint and exposure but can also feature more advanced and creative options. OCTOPUS RAW Player exposes several advanced controls while remaining straight forward to use. All RAW controls are located under the "Clip..." menu which is enabled when a sequence is loaded.
Advanced Colour Science Controls
HIGHLIGHT RECOVERY Toggle this option to choose between simple highlight handling and intelligent estimation/recreation of partially clipped highlight values.
HIGHLIGHT ROLL-OFF Roll-off allows for fine tuning the saturation curve applied to near clipping values. More roll-off creates a smoother transition from highlights to clipping.
REC. 709 TONE MAPPING The standard Rec. 709 gamma curve limits images to a fairly narrow dynamic range of up to 6/7 stops. Applying tone mapping preserves greater dynamic range by compressing all exposure values non-linearly into the standard Rec. 709 range.
REC. 709 GAMUT COMPRESSION Similar to Rec. 709 tone mapping, gamut compression brings extreme colours outside of the Rec. 709 gamut inside by applying non-linear compression.
- Export to Apple ProRes / GoPro® CineForm
- Additional RAW format support
To report a bug or suggest a feature, please create a GitHub Issue
The OCTOPUS RAW Player project is an MIT licenced open-source code base. For more information visit the GitHub repo